Short Film, 2022
“ Kung Fu Grandma is a 5-minute short comedy following the journey of Grandma, from being a passionate lone wolf to relying on her community. The short film will be released on various social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube), and shown during related workshops and seminars. The primary goal is to spread the message “Standing Strong Together”, strengthening the bond within our community through mutual understanding and communication.
The Cast ︎︎︎
The Crew ︎︎︎
Kung Fu Grandma Website ︎︎︎
“ Kung Fu Grandma is a short comedy film with a profound message - it is a story of an old lady who hopes to become a superwoman and fight against hate crimes, but struggles with the lack of real superpower. Through this short film, Martial Arts Education Society (MAES) would like to bring hope and positive energy to the audience, inspire them to make a difference, reduce hate crimes and bullying, and help create a safer and more peaceful living environment for everyone.”
The Cast ︎︎︎
The Crew ︎︎︎
Kung Fu Grandma Website ︎︎︎
“ Kung Fu Grandma is a short comedy film with a profound message - it is a story of an old lady who hopes to become a superwoman and fight against hate crimes, but struggles with the lack of real superpower. Through this short film, Martial Arts Education Society (MAES) would like to bring hope and positive energy to the audience, inspire them to make a difference, reduce hate crimes and bullying, and help create a safer and more peaceful living environment for everyone.”